Just to warn you this page will probibly scare you half to death with it's strangeness. there are
some bobobo-bobo-bobo pics on here I just thought i should warn you (personally I think he is scary beond all reason, he is
probibly number four on the list of the 4 scareyest things in the world list)( MY LIST: 1:medicall needlels and/or other
medicall suplys 2:buff people they are creepy and look at there muselles all the time and always say "i got abbs" 3:orthodontists
they were the evil/scary people that gave my these braces *shakes with fear/anger* 4: and finly bobobo he is REALLY
scary and he is buff which makes him 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
times scaryer >.<

this pic is from BOBOBO! *ducks behined table* |
um.........I just found this........ X.X |


aw cute...weird baby |